Jeremy Phillips

Pink Dog Gallery Show


August 18-September 30, 2017



With 45 paintings and 3 sculptures, mostly from 2017, this show marks my current moment.  There are 4 series of paintings in the show highlighting variations on themes I’ve been exploring and that together make sense of the title of the show: “Impossible Interior Babel”. 

First up are the “IMPOSSIBLE” shapes on grey backgrounds that never quite resolve in the mind.  These visual puzzles in striking colors continuously shift as one looks.  To highlight the effect, I’ve provided 3-D glasses that further contort and enhance the images.  Try them out! Similarly playing with perception, the “Zero Tunnels” series, carefully painted on found fabrics in nuanced coloration; sexy and precious, these artifacts of emptiness recede in the viewer’s gaze. 

The “INTERIORS” series are 12 paintings in a coherent and vibrant retro palette that show multiple intermixing rooms inside homes.  These multi-layered acrylic inventions invite the viewer to make their own path through the architectural detail and sgraffito drawings. 

Finally, the “BABEL” series riffs on Pieter Breugel’s two different paintings of the Tower of Babel.  My modern variations hint at layer cakes, piles of shopping boxes, and spools of ribbon as well as stacked impossible combinations. 

This show wants you to revel in the unresolved, find your place in empty rooms, and reflect on the confusion of our own Babel moment. 


Phone: 828.476.0051




Instagram: @jeremyphillipsart

Wobbly Footing 30" x 26" Oil on commercial fabrics